A select bibliography of external publications and resources, organized by period and subject matter.
Basic Texts
Ayres, J. The Artist’s Craft. A History of Tools, Techniques and Materials. Oxford: Phaidon, 1985.
Bomford, D, ed. Underdrawings in Renaissance paintings. London: National Gallery Company; Yale University Press, 2002.
Carr, D. and Leonard, M. Looking at Paintings. A Guide to Technical Terms. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992.
Constable, W.C. The Painter’s Craft. Practices, Techniques and Materials. First published in 1954, Dover Publications, various reprintings.
Conti, A, and Glanville, H. A History of the Restoration and Conservation of Works of Art. Oxford [Eng.]: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
Eastlake, C. Methods and Materials of Paintings of the Great Schools and Masters, Volumes I and II. First published in 1847, reprinted by New York: Dover Publications, various reprintings.
De Wild, A.M. The Scientific Examination of Pictures. An investigation of the pigments used by the Dutch and Flemish Masters from the brothers Van Eyck to the middle of the 19th century. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1929.
Doerner, M. The Materials of the Artist and their Use in Painting with Notes on the Techniques of the Old Masters. First published in 1921, various reprintings.
Laurie, A.P. The Technique of the Great Painters. Carroll and Nicholson Ltd., 1949.
Mayer, R. Artist’s Materials and their use in Painting. Various editions.
Stoner, J H and Rushfield, R, eds. The Conservation of Easel Paintings. New York, NY: Routledge, 2012.
Studying and Conserving Paintings. London: Archetype and The Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2006.
Toch, M. Paint, Paintings and Restoration. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., revised edition, 1931.
Artist Materials and Techniques
Treatises on Painting
Bardwell, T. The Practice of Painting and Perspective Made Easy. London: Richardson, 1756. Link
Borghini, R. Il Riposo. Edited by Ellis Lloyd H. University of Toronto Press, 2007. Link
Baldinucci, F. La veglia dialogo di Sincero Veri. 1684. Link
Cennini, Cennino d’Andrea. The Craftsman’s Handbook: Il Libro dell’Arte. New York and London: Dover, 1954.
Di Cennino Cennini Trattato Della Pittura: Messo In Luce La Prima Volta Con Annotazioni Dal Cavaliere Giuseppe Tambroni. Roma: Paolo Salviucci, 1821. Link
Dossie, R. The Handmaid to the Arts: Vol. the First. 1758. Link
Dossie, R. The Handmaid to the Arts: Vol. the Second. 1764. Link
Félibien, A. Des Principes de L’Architecture, de la Sculpture, de la Peinture, et des autres Arts qui en dépendent: avec un Dictionnaire des Termes propres à chacun de ces arts. Paris: 1676. Link
de La Fontaine, J-H. L'Académie de peinture, nouvellement mis à jour pour instruire la jeunesse à bien peindre en huile et en miniature. Paris: J.-B. Loyson, 1679.
Laurie, A.P. The Painter’s Methods & Materials. London: Seeley Service & Co. Limited, 1926. Link
Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo. Trattato dell’arte della pittura, scultura e architettura. 1585. Link
Merrifield, M. Medieval and Renaissance Treatises on the Arts of Painting. Dover, 1999 (original texts accompanied by English translations).
Muntz, J.H. Encaustic: or Count Caylus’s Method of Painting in the Manner of the Ancients. To which is added A lure and early Method of Fixing of Crayons. London: Chancery Lane, Holborn, 1760. Link
Oudry, Jean-Baptiste. “Discourse on the Practice of Painting and its Main Processes: Underpainting, Overpainting and Retouching”. Delivered to the Academie Royale, 2nd December 1752. Link
Oudry, Jean-Baptiste. “Reflections on the Method of Studying Color by Comparing Objects with Each Other”. Delivered to the Academie Royale, 7th June 1749. Link
Piles, Roger de. Les premiers elemens de la peinture pratique: enrichis de figures de proportion mesurées sur l’antique. Paris: 1684. Link
Piles, Roger de. The Art of Painting, And the Lives of the Painters: Containing, a Compleat Treatise of Painting, Designing, And the Use of Prints : With Reflections On the Works of the Most Celebrated Painters, And of the Several Schools of Europe, As Well Ancient As Modern : Being the Newest, And Most Perfect Work of the Kind Extant. London: Printed for J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1706. Link
“Preface to Jean-Baptise Oudry’s Lectures on Painting Technique Delivered to the French Royal Academy in 1749 and 1752”. Getty Publications, Los Angeles, CA. Link
Theophilus, On Divers Arts, Dover, New York and London. Link
Watin, Jean-Félix. L’art du peintre, doreur, vernisseur: ouvrage utile aux artistes & aux amateurs qui veulent entreprendre de peindre, dorer et vernir toutes sortes de sujets et bâtiments, meubles, bijoux, équipages, &c. Paris: 1774. Link
Early Italian Painting
Berrie, B, Leona, M, McLaughlin, R. “Unusual pigments found in a painting by Giotto (c. 1266-1337) reveal diversity of materials used by medieval artists”. Heritage Science 4, no. 10 (2016). Link
Bomford, D, Dunkerton, J, Gordon, D, Roy, A, and Kirby, J. Art in the making, Italian painting before 1400, National Gallery London, 1990.
Bomford, D., Roy, A., Syson, L. “Gilding and Illusion in the Paintings of Bernardino Fungai”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 27 (2006): 111–120. Link
Boskovits, M. “Jacopo di Cione/Madonna and Child with God the Father Blessing and Angels c. 1370/1375”. In Italian Paintings of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, NGA Online Editions, 2016. Link
Boskovits, M. “Master of Saint Francis/Saint James Minor c. 1272”. In Italian Paintings of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, NGA Online Editions, 2016. Link
Boskovits, M. “Master of Saint Francis/Saint John the Evangelist c. 1272”. Italian Paintings of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, NGA Online Editions, 2016. Link
Boskovits, M. “Nardo di Cione/Madonna and Child, with Saints Peter and John the Evangelist, and Man of Sorrows [entire triptych] c. 1360”. In Italian Paintings of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, NGA Online Editions, 2016. Link
Burnstock, A. “The Fading of the Virgin’s Robe in Lorenzo Monaco’s “Coronation of the Virgin”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 12 (1988): 58-65. Link
Cannon, J. “The Stoclet 'Man of Sorrows: A Thirteenth-Century Italian Diptych Reunited”. The Burlington Magazine 141, no. 1151 (1999): 107-12. Link
Cerasuolo, A. “Appunti Di Vincenzio Borghini Sul "Libro Dell'arte" Di Cennino Cennini”. Mitteilungen Des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 58, no. 1 (2016): 117-25. Link
Ciatti, M, “Some observations on panel painting technique in Tuscany from the twelfth to the thirteenth century”, Painting Techniques, History, Materials and Studio Practice, IIC, Contributions to the Dublin Congress, 7-11 September, 1998, pp. 1-4.
Ciatti, M, Il Tabernacolo dei Linaioli del Beato Angelico restaurato, Edifir, Firenze, 2011.
Ciatti, M, Frosinini, C. Pinxit Guillielmus. Il Restauro della Croce di Sarzana, Edifir, Firenze, 2001.
Ciatti, M, Frosinini, C, Bellucci, R. La Croce Dipinta dell’Abbazia di Rosano, Edifir, Firenze, 2007.
Ciatti, M. and Seidel, M. eds. Giotto. The Crucifix in Santa Maria Novella, Edifir, Firenze, 2002.
De Marchi, A. “Il Polittico Di Sassetta per San Francesco a Sansepolcro Perlustrato”. Prospettiva, no. 139/140 (2010): 115-30. Link
di Nepi, S., Roy, A., Billinge, R. “Bernardo Daddi's "Coronation of the Virgin": The Reunion of Two Long-Separated Panel”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 28 (2007): 4–25. Link
Diorio, J., “Neri di Bici and the diffusion of cartoons between fifteenth-century Florentine workshops”, The Renaissance Workshop, London: Archetype, 2013, pp. 170-171.
Dunkerton, J., Christensen, C., Syson, L. “The Master of the Story of Griselda and Paintings for Sienese Palaces”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 27 (2006): 4-71. Link
Dunkerton, J. and Roy, A. “Uccello's "Saint George and the Dragon": Technical Evidence Re-evaluated”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 19 (1998): 26–30. Link
Eveno, M., Ravaud, E., Calligaro, T. et al. “The Louvre Crucifix by Giotto – Unveiling the original decoration by 2D-XRF, X-ray radiography, Emissiography and SEM-EDX analysis”. Herit Sci 2, 17 (2014). Link
Frosinini, C. “Progettualità, pianificazione e disegno nelle Storie della Vera Croce, in Agnolo Gaddi e la Cappella Maggiore di Santa Croce a Firenze”. Studi intorno al restauro, Cinisello Balsamo (2014): 217-233. Link
Frosinini, C, Bellucci, R. “‘Di Greco in Latino’. Considerazioni sull’underdrawing di Giotto come modello mentale, in L’officina di Giotto. Il restauro della Croce di Ognissanti”. Edited by M. Ciatti, Florence (2010): 167-177. Link
Frosinini, C, Monciatti, A. “Il Progetto Di Studio Della Tecnica E Dello Stato Di Conservazione Delle Pitture Murali Di Giotto Nella Basilica Di Santa Croce, Finanziato Dalla Getty Foundation”. OPD Restauro no. 23 (2011): 215-20. Link
Galassi, M.C., “Visual evidence for the use of carta lucida in the Italian Renaissance workshop”, The Renaissance Workshop, London: Archetype, 2013, pp. 130-137.
Gordon, D. “A Dossal by Giotto and His Workshop: Some Problems of Attribution, Provenance and Patronage”. The Burlington Magazine 131, no. 1037 (1989): 524-31. Link
Gordon, D., Bomford, D., Plesters, J., Roy, A. “Nardo di Cione's ‘Altarpiece: Three Saints’”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 9 (1985): 21–37. Link
Gordon, D. and Reeve, A. “Three Newly-Acquired Panels from the Altarpiece for Santa Croce by Ugolino di Nerio”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 8 (1984): 36–52. Link
Higgitt, C., Spring, M., Reeve, A., Syson, L. “Working with Perugino: The Technique of an Annunciation attributed to Giannicola di Paolo”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 27 (2006): 96–110. Link
Israëls, M. et. al. Sassetta. The Borgo San Sepolcro Altarpiece. Leiden: Primavera Press, 2009.
Note: This newly published two-volume work contains exhaustive technical research on all aspects of the construction, painting and state of this dismembered and dispersed altarpiece. It is very worthwhile for anyone interested in altarpiece construction.
Kemp, M, Massing, A, Christie, N, Groen, K. “Paolo Uccello's 'Hunt in the Forest’”. The Burlington Magazine 133, no. 1056 (1991): 164-78. Link
MacLennan, D., Llewellyn, L., Delaney, J.K. et al. “Visualizing and measuring gold leaf in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Italian gold ground paintings using scanning macro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy: a new tool for advancing art historical research”. Herit Sci 7, 25 (2019). Link
Miziolek, J. “Cassoni Istoriati with ‘Torello and Saladin’: Observations on the Origins of a New Genre of Trecento Art in Florence”. Studies in the History of Art 61 (2002): 442-69. Link
New, B., Howard, H., Billinge, R., Tomlinson, H., Peggie, D., Gordon, D. “Niccolò di Pietro Gerini’s 'Baptism Altarpiece': Technique, Conservation and Original Design”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 33 (2012): 27–49. Link
Plesters, J. and Roy, A. “Nardo di Cione’s altarpiece ‘Three Saints’. The materials and technique: Cennino Cennini’s treatise illustrated”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 9 (1985): 26-37. Link
Ricciardi, P., Facini, M., Delaney, J., “Painting and Illumination in early Renaissance Florence: the techniques of Lorenzo Monaco and his workshop”, The Renaissance Workshop, London: Archetype, 2013, pp. 1-9.
Roy, A. and Gordon, D. “Uccello’s ‘Battle of San Romano’". National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 22 (2001): 4-17. Link
Schmidt, V M. “Portable Polyptychs with Narrative Scenes: Fourteenth-Century De Luxe Objects between Italian Panel Painting and French Arts Somptuaires”. Studies in the History of Art 61 (2002): 394-425. Link
Schmidt, V M. “The Lunette-Shaped Panel and Some Characteristics of Panel Painting”. Studies in the History of Art 61 (2002): 82-101. Link
Skaug, Erling. Punch Marks from Giotto to Fra Angelico, Vol. 1. Oslo: IIC Nordic Group (1994): 16-66.
Thomas, A. The Painters Practice in Renaissance Tuscany, chapter 6: “Production of the Merchandise: practical matters,” Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Villers, C, Lehner, A. “Observations on the Coronation of the Virgin Attributed to Guido Da Siena in the Courtauld Institute Gallery”. Zeitschrift Für Kunstgeschichte 65, no. 3 (2002): 289-302. Link
White, R. "Varnish and early Italian tempera paintings" Cleaning, retouching and coatings: technology and practice for easel paintings and polychrome sculpture, Preprints of the contributions to the Brussels Congress, 3-7 September 1990 (1990): pp.63-69. Link
Early Flemish Painting
Ackroyd, P., Billinge, R., Campbell, L., Kirby, J. “The "Two Tax-Gatherers" by Marinus van Reymerswale: Original and Replica”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 24 (2003): 50–63. Link
Ackroyd, P., Foister, S., Spring, M., White, R., Billinge, R. “A Virgin and Child from the Workshop of Albrecht Dürer?”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 21 (2000): 28–42. Link
Ainsworth, M. W. Early Netherlandish painting at the crossroads: A critical look at current methodologies. New York, NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2002. Link
Ainsworth, M. W. “Intentional Alterations of Early Netherlandish Painting”. In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Symposium. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. Link
Billinge, R, Campbell, L. “The Infra-red Reflectograms of Jan van Eyck's Portrait of Giovanni(?) Arnolfini and his Wife Giovanna Cenami(?)”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 16 (1995): 47–60. Link
Billinge, R, Campbell, L. “The Triptych of ‘Saint Catherine and the Philosophers’ attributed to Goossen van der Weyden in Southampton City Art Gallery”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 24 (2003): 64–74. Link
Billinge, R, Campbell, L, Dunkerton, J, Foister, S, Kirby, J, Pilc, J, Roy, A, Spring, M, White, R. “Gossaert's ‘Adoration of the Kings’”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 18 (1997): 87–97. Link
Billinge, R, Campbell, L, Dunkerton, J, Foister, S, Kirby, J, Pilc, J, Roy, A, Spring, M, White, R. “The Materials and Technique of Five Paintings by Rogier van der Weyden and his Workshop”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 18 (1997): 68–86. Link
Billinge, R, Campbell, L, Dunkerton, J, Foister, S, Kirby, J, Pilc, J, Roy, A, Spring, M, White, R. “Wolf Huber's ‘Christ taking Leave of his Mother’”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 18 (1997): 98–112. Link
Bomford, D. “Perspective, Anamorphosis, and Illusion: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Peep Shows”. Studies in the History of Art 55 (1998): 124-35. Link
Bomford, D. and Kirby, J. “Two Panels by the Master of Saint Giles”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 1 (1977): 46–56. Link
Bomford, D., Roy, A., Smith, A. “The Techniques of Dieric Bouts: Two Paintings Contrasted”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 10 (1986): 39–57. Link
Campbell, L, Bomford, D., Roy, A., White, R. "’The Virgin and Child before a Firescreen’: History, Examination and Treatment”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 15 (1994): 20–35. Link
Campbell, L, Foister, S, Roy, A, et. al. “The Methods and Materials of Northern European Painting 1400-1550”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol. 18 (1997): 4-55. Link
Coremans, P., Gettens, R.J., Thissen, J., "La Technique des 'Primitifs' Flamands," Studies in Conservation, Vol 1: Parts I and II (1952): 1-29, Part III (1854): 145-161. Link
Depuydt, L. et al. “Interim report on condition and research, February 2014”. International Commision for the Conservation of the Ghent altarpiece. Preparation for the session of 18 March 2014. ed. Dubois, H. Link
Dunkerton, J. Dürer to Bellini, North and South: painting techniques in Venice, Renaissance Venice and the North: crosscurrents in the time of Bellini, Dürer, and Titian. New York: Rizzoli, 2000, 92-103.
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Dunkerton, J. “The Technique and Restoration of ’The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Four Angels’ by Quinten Massys”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 29 (2008): 60–75. Link
Dunkerton, J., Foister, S., Spring, M. "’The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints’ attributed to Michael Pacher”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 21 (2000): 4–19. Link
Dunkerton, J., Burnstock, A., Smith, A. “Two Wings of an Altarpiece by Martin van Heemskerck”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 12 (1988): 16–35. Link
Feigenbaum, G. “Practice in the Carracci Academy”. Studies in the History of Art 38 (1993): 58-76. Link
Foister, S., Wyld, M., Roy, A. “Hans Holbein's ‘A Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling’". National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 15 (1994): 6–19. Link
Foister, S. “Holbein's Paintings on Canvas: The Greenwich Festivities of 1527”. Studies in the History of Art 60 (2001): 108-23. Link
Hand, J. O., Metzger, C. A., Sponk, R. Prayers and Portraits: Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych. National Gallery of Art, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2007. Link
Leonard, M., Preusser, F., Rothe, A., Schilling, M. "Dirc Bouts's 'Annunciation' Materials and Technique: a Summary", The Burlington Magazine, July 1988.
Luber, K. C. Recognizing Van Eyck. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1998. Link
Metzger, K, Berrie, B. “Gerard David’s ‘St. Anne Altarpiece’: Evidence for Workshop Participation.” In Historical Painting Techniques, Materials and Studio Practice, University of Leiden (1995): 127-134. Link
Metzger, K, Palmer, M., “The Washington Portrait of a Lady by Rogier van der Weyden reconsidered in light of recent investigations”, IIC, Contributions to the Dublin Congress, 7-11 September, 1998, pp. 94-97. Link
Roy, A. et al. “The Technique of a ‘Tuchlein’ by Quinten Massys”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 12 (1988): 36-43. Link
Smith, A. and Wyld, M. “Altdorfer's "Christ taking Leave of His Mother". National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 7 (1983): 50–64. Link
Spring, M., Penny, N., White, R., Wyld, M. “Colour Change in ‘The Conversion of the Magdalen’ attributed to Pedro Campaña”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 22 (2001): 54–63. Link
Spring, M. “New insights into the materials of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Netherlandish paintings in the National Gallery, London”. Herit Sci 5, 40 (2017). Link
van Asperen de Boer, J.R.J. Bé, K., Butler, M. H., Luber, K. C., Klein, P., Rishel, Smeyers, M., Snyder, J, Spantigati, C. Jan van Eyck: Two paintings of Saint Francis receiving the stigmata. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1997. Link
van de Laar, M, de Haan, D, Karuvits, O, Wallert, A, Wolters, M. “From Wood to Canvas: Anthonis Mor, Portraits of Sir Thomas Gresham and Anne Fernely”. The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 58, no. 3 (2010): 246-65. Link
van Grevenstein, A, Spronk, R. “Lasting Support: An interdisciplinary research project to assess the structural condition of the Ghent Altarpiece”. Final project report, October 9, 2011. Link
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Wyld, M. “The Restoration History of Holbein's ‘The Ambassadors’". National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 19 (1998): 4–25. Link
Wyld, M., Roy, A., Smith, A. “Gerard David's ‘The Virgin and Child with Saints and a Donor’". National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 3 (1979): 51–65. Link
Spanish Painting
Barry, C. “The Making of the Ciudad Rodrigo Altarpiece”. In Fernando Gallego and His Workshop. The Altarpiece from Ciudad Rodrigo. Edited by Dotseth, A. et. al., Philip Wilson Publishers, 2008, 147-245.
Lombard Painting
Capella, M. et. al. Vincenzo Foppa. Tecniche d’esecuzione, Indagini e Restauri. Symposium papers, Skira, 2002.
Dunkerton, J. and Plazzotta, C. “Vincenzo Foppa’s Adoration of the Kings”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol. 22 (2001): 18-28. Link
Spring, M., Mazzotta, A., Roy, A., Billinge, R., and Peggie, D. “Painting Practice in Milan,” National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 32 (2011): 78-112. Link
Northern European Painting
Foister, S, Roy, A., Wyld, M. Making and Meaning, Holbein’s Ambassadors. London: National Gallery Publications, 1977.
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Tuscan Renaissance
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Dunkerton, J. and White, R. “The Discovery and Identification of an Original Varnish on a Panel by Carlo Crivelli”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 21 (2000): 70-76. Link
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Gordon, D., Wyld, M., Roy, A. “Fra Angelico’s Predella for the High Altarpiece of San Domenico, Fiesole”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 23 (2002): 4–19. Link
Gordon, D. "The Altar-Piece by Lorenzo Monaco in the National Gallery, London." The Burlington Magazine 137, no. 1112 (1995): 723-27. Link
Hirschauer, G A. and Walmsley, E. “Verrocchio's Spring: Collaboration in the Painting Workshop”. In Verrocchio: Sculptor and Painter of Renaissance Florence, 69-85. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019.
Hirst, M. and Dunkerton, J. Making and Meaning: The Young Michelangelo. London: National Gallery Publications Limited, 1994.
Keith, L. “Andrea del Sarto’s ‘The Virgin and Child with Elizabeth and St. John the Baptist’: Technique and Critical Reputation”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 22 (2001): 42-53. Link
Keith, L. “Giulio Romano and ‘The Birth of Jupiter’: Studio Practice and Reputation”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 24 (2003): 38–49. Link
Keith, L. and Roy, A. “Giampietrino, Boltraffio, and the Influence of Leonardo”. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 17 (1996): 4-19. Link
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Conservation and Technical Analysis
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Note: transfer at the Hermitage
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Approaches and Cleaning Controversies
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Structural Treatment of Canvas
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Cleaning and Varnishes
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Imaging Techniques
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